Monday, July 12, 2010

Our History--or "Why This Blog Exists"

In 2009, my husband and I "read" the proverbial "writing on the wall" in the state of Georgia--massive budget cuts with the first cuts coming from education (we're both educators), companies and factories closing or downsizing in our region of the state, and the real estate market "tanking."  It was stay and face furloughs or worse OR join the out-migration from the rural deep South and create a new life elsewhere.  We chose the latter option.  Applications went out online, interviews were scheduled and duly attended, preliminary offers or interest was given, and we started packing.

The house was listed on the market in May of ''s a pretty, 2000-sq. ft. property on around a 1/4 acre of land in a small Southern town surrounded by cotton fields and pecan groves.  And it sat...and sat...and sat.  No one wants to move to a "small Southern town" in the middle of one of the largest recessions in recent American history.  (We've a buyer now...and are soon to finish up that little bit.)

We moved in the first week of July 2009--packed up the house, the pets, the offices and classrooms--and found ourselved in north Texas.  Since the house was on the market, we didn't have lodging, so our friends took us in.  Our pets went into boarding at the local vet (and are still there), we put the "house" into two storage sheds, and started our year of "houselessness"--not homelessness, for we had each other and we had the kindness of our friends. 

I found a position as a professor at the local community college.  My husband, who we both thought was offered a position at a local high school, was passed over at the last moment in favor of someone else.  He started substitute teaching in three separate school systems in the area--and changed his mindset toward teaching and the use of subs due to the experience.

And so, one year later and INFINITELY wiser, I find myself blogging about both the experience of this past year and where we're headed now.  For the good or ill, I hope you read with open mind.

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